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Patrick Peterson says he’s the best cornerback in the game


Cardinals coach Bruce Arians recently has dubbed Patrick Peterson the best cornerback in the NFL. (Then again, Arians also said that Levi Brown is an “elite” left tackle.)

Peterson isn’t inclined to disagree with his coach on that point. (The first one, not the second.)

“That fires me up, Coach Arians has that type of motivation to give to his players,” Peterson told Erik Kuselias in an interview that aired on Wednesday’s Pro Football Talk on NBCSN. “I definitely feel like I am the best corner in the game. I just want to continue getting better every week. I believe if I do my job to the best of my ability, which is going out there and not letting the opponent’s number one receiver to get off and have a big game, I believe we have a big opportunity of winning the ball game. I’m pleased to have that opportunity each and every week to go against the offense’s best receiver. I believe that if you can do that week in and week out then there’s no question that you are the number one defensive back in the league.”

Peterson gets his next chance to to do that on Sunday, against the Panthers and their No. 1 receiver.

“I have to do my part by slowing down Steve Smith and not letting him get off any big plays because he’s the Energizer bunny, you can’t let him get big plays early,” Peterson said. “If you do that, that’s something that gets him going. So I have to pretty much take him out of the game early, I know that’s a tough task, but I’m definitely ready for it.”

The Cardinals need to be ready to get the win at home, because in their next two games the team and Arians will get to “see the dominance” of the 49ers and the Seahawks.