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Pat Angerer announces his retirement

Indianapolis Colts v Cincinnati Bengals

Indianapolis Colts v Cincinnati Bengals

Getty Images

Linebacker Pat Angerer had a workout here and there since getting cut by the Falcons in August, but he hadn’t lined up a gig with a new team this season and has decided that it is time to stop looking.

Angerer released a retirement announcement on Twitter on Tuesday, dropping the curtain on a four-year career that was spent entirely with the Colts before this summer’s failed attempt to make the Falcons.

“I want to walk away while I’m still able to give my wife and kids the man they deserve. I have given this sport all I got. It wouldn’t be fair to the game, the team, my family and my name to continue along this path any longer. It’s time to get healthy,” Angerer wrote. I’ve learned so much from so many great men along the way. I’m proud I was able to get a degree from a prestigious college and make a living playing a kids game. I had a lot of fun and I’ve been extremely fortunate. I’m excited about whatever the future entails. Thank you all for having my back.”

Angerer started 27 games and played in all 32 for the Colts in his first two seasons, but dropped to 22 games and 12 starts because of injuries the last two years. Those injuries have helped lead to multiple foot and knee surgeries and it seems Angerer has decided that his body’s been through enough. We wish him well in his future endeavors.