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Packers expected to ditch their old-school alternate uniforms

Jordy Nelson, Bradley Fletcher

Jordy Nelson, Bradley Fletcher


Maybe the Packers will ask their fans to switch the yellow wedges of foam cheddar on their heads for a slightly brighter yellow cheddar.

Yeah, never mind, that’s crazy. Who would ever sucker a fanbase with a stupid marketing ploy like that?

While the Packers probably aren’t ever going to mix it up too much, some change in uniform could come this year.

According to Jason Wilde of, the Packers’ five-year window for wearing their ugly (my word, not his, he’s nice) throwback uniforms is over, allowing them to create a new alternate third jersey.

While it’s unclear if they’ll just slide it one block over on the Pantone chart like the Browns did yesterday, no one is expecting the league’s most traditional franchise to undergo an extreme makeover.

They haven’t changed their basic look since the mid-1980s, but there are signs they’re planning to ditch the old navy blue Acme Packers jerseys and mudhole brown pants, which they’ve worn as alternates since 2010.

League rules allow teams to choose alternate uniforms for five-year blocks, and the Packers have put the blue jerseys on the clearance rack at their team store.

Teams can wear alternates up to three times a year, though the Packers have only worn them once per (thankfully).

Hopefully they don’t get too far afield — someone in the league needs to look normal, we’re talking to you Tampa Bay — but there will doubtless be enough of a tweak to sell more gear.

Which, of course, is the only reason teams have alternate jerseys to begin with.