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Ochocinco wears Henry’s jersey at practice, can’t wear it during game

Someone asked me recently whether I think Bengals receiver Chad Ochocinco is good for football.

As recently explained, I usually think he’s good for the game. Sometimes, however, his behavior crosses the line of entertainment into narcissism, especially when he undermines the goals and objectives of his team.

Today isn’t one of those days.

Per C. Trent Rosencrans of (via The Sporting Blog), Ochocinco wore the jersey at practice on Thursday of teammate Chris Henry, who died earlier today.

Rosencrans also reports that Ochocinco wants to wear Henry’s jersey on Sunday against the Chargers, but that the Bengals have been informed Ochocinco won’t be permitted to do so.

We realize the NFL has rules that need to be followed (for reasons that we often understand). If, however, there was ever a case for an exception to be made, this is the one.

Still, we’ve got a feeling that Ochocinco will find a way to honor Henry on Sunday, that Ochocinco gladly will pay whatever fine is imposed because of it, and that he’ll match the amount of the fine with a charitable donation.

So despite the fact Ochocinco’s antics sometimes cross the line, he’s definitely good for the game -- and we support him in whatever he chooses to do to honor his fallen teammate and friend.