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Odell Beckham Jr., Nike fight to a draw in court

In 2022, Dolphins receiver Odell Beckham Jr. sued Nike for $20 million. Although he has declared victory, he ultimately got nothing.

Via multiple reports, an Oregon judge ruled on Thursday that neither Nike nor Beckham breached their contract. Neither was required to pay a penny to the other.

Beckham started the legal fight with a $20 million claim against the shoe and apparel giant. Nike eventually sued him for customizing his gear in a way that violated the contract.

“With this verdict, all of Mr. Beckham’s claims have been decided against him without any monetary award,” Nike said in a statement issued to “The decision confirmed that Nike complied with its commitments. Nike is grateful to the jury and the Court for their careful attention to this case.”

Both Beckham and Nike have the right to appeal the decision. If Beckham does, it will undermine his declaration that “JUSTICE WAS SERVED” as to the claim he made against Nike.