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NFL, NFLPA expand from two to four hearing officers, to expedite appeals

When the NFL announced the one-game suspension imposed on Chargers safety Derwin James, the press release mentioned that the appeal, if any, will be heard by Derrick Brooks, Ramon Foster, Kevin Mawae, or Jordy Nelson.

The pool of hearing officers previously consisted of two: Brooks and James Thrash.

Why the change to four?

“These positions are jointly appointed and compensated by the NFLPA and NFL,” the league explained to PFT via email. “There were additional hearing officers appointed this year to help expedite the appeals process.”

Thrash, per the league, chose to exit the position. He had done it for six years.

The hearing officers handle all appeals of all punishment for on-field infractions, from suspensions to fines. With twice the capacity, things should move faster than they have.

For Brooks and the other hearing officers, it’s also half the prior workload.

The process is truly independent. The league and the union appoint and compensate the hearing officers.