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NFL encourages players to wear masks, practice distancing on sidelines

Clemson QB Trevor Lawrence has COVID-19, but with the current timeline in place, he'll be able to play against Notre Dame. Mike Florio discusses the potential fallout.

The NFL is encouraging players to wear masks and practice physical distancing when on the sideline during games.

Although the league is not making masks mandatory, it did issue a memo to team presidents, GMs, head coaches and medical staff urging masks.

“We are recommending that clubs enhance their efforts to ensure physical distancing on the sidelines during games and that players that are either not in the game or are not about to enter the game wear masks on the sidelines while the league considers expanding the bench area footprint,” the memo said.

The league is also looking at ways to have more space on the sideline so that players can stay farther apart while they’re not on the field during games.