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Mystery continues to swirl regarding Alan Williams

The most consequential headline for the Bears on Wednesday centered on a sensationalized tweet that grossly exaggerated the comments of quarterback Justin Fields. Even more dramatic was the news, coming from someone with no real track record or name recognition, that authorities raided the house of now-former Bears defensive coordinator Alan Williams and Halas Hall.

The Bears denied that a raid occurred at Halas Hall. The other half of the report remained unresolved and unrefuted.

On Thursday, the other half was confirmed by Pat McAfee.

“Our sources have told us, have told me, that an FBI raid did happen” on Williams’s house, McAfee said on his show.

On Wednesday, Williams’s lawyer addressed the situation in an appearance on 670 The Score.

There’s absolutely no criminal activity,” Andrew M. Stroth said. “There’s no criminal allegations. There’s been no raid on Halas Hall. None of that is true — unequivocally, [those rumors are] untrue … There’s no legal actions being taken against coach Williams. . . .

“Coach Williams has a health challenge and he has some personal family matters, and he has decided with his family that he’s going to step away. . . . With much respect to the Chicago Bears, he decided to take a step back.”

While Stroth specifically denied that there was a raid at Halas Hall, the quotes appearing on the station’s website do not include a specific denial of the notion that a raid occurred at Williams’s house.

Many are speculating on the potential reason(s) for a raid. Until a raid is confirmed by the FBI or by Williams, it’s all speculation.

Regardless, the report of the raid of Williams’s house takes on a greater degree of credibility, now that McAfee, citing his own sources, has said it occurred.