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Mike Vick: Colin Kaepernick comments were not said in malice

After saying yesterday that Colin Kaepernick’s play, not his protest, is the reason he’s unemployed, Michael Vick had more to say today, although he didn’t quite clear up anything he said.

Vick posted a short statement on Twitter, not exactly backing down from his previous comments but clarifying that his advice for Kaepernick to get a haircut isn’t relevant to Kaepernick’s current unemployment.

“Colin Kaepernick’s hair has nothing to do with him not being on a NFL roster right now,” Vick wrote. “Let’s be clear! I wish only the best for Colin. I stand by what I’ve said about him being signed at some point this season to help a NFL club. I think he is a great kid who has a bright future and I’m looking forward to seeing him on the field again. Trust and believe what I said was not in malice.”

Vick’s initial comments about Kaepernick drew a great deal of attention, and a cryptic response from Kaepernick.