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Mike Evans sees Pro Bowl flag football as practice for the 2028 Olympics

For Buccaneers wide receiver Mike Evans, today’s Pro Bowl flag football game could be good preparation for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

Flag football is an Olympic sport in 2028, and Evans said at the Pro Bowl Games that he is interested in playing.

“This is good practice for me in the Olympics,” Evans said, via ESPN. “Most likely I’ll be retired by 2028. How many years is that? Three years? I don’t know. But if I am retired, I would definitely like to play in the Olympics.”

It’s unclear how Team USA will choose the men’s Olympic flag football team. The Olympics are in July and some active players have expressed interest even if it makes them late to training camp, while Evans seems to think recently retired players should comprise the team. But the USA men are the defending world champions with a team of non-NFL players, and those players have said they think they’re better than the NFL players under flag football rules.

USA Football still has three years to pick the team. Evans would like to be a part of it.