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Mike Ditka remains at ESPN, in reduced role


Mike Ditka has been replaced by Matt Hasselbeck in ESPN’s flagship NFL pregame show, but Ditka will remain on the air.

ESPN announced today that Ditka has signed a two-year contract. He’ll have what sounds like a reduced role, befitting a man who at age 76 would like to reduce his travel obligations.

“This new role is really a blessing,” Ditka said in a statement released by ESPN. “It’s something I asked for. After many years of weekend travel, I’m thrilled I’ll get to watch NFL games on Sundays and Monday nights in the comfort of my own home. I enjoy being part of the game and part of ESPN. I really do. So this is a great solution.”

A Hall of Fame tight end and Super Bowl XX-winning head coach, Ditka has been with ESPN since 2004.