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Matt LaFleur on expectations for second half: “I wanna see this team fight”

Packers coach Matt LaFleur is ordinarily very calm and even-keeled. At the start of a second half that has his team behind the Lions 27-3, LaFleur displayed an edge we rarely see.

“We’ve got to block a hell of a lot better,” LaFleur told Kaylee Hartung of Amazon Prime. “They’ve won the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. And, I mean, it’s very humbling, embarrassing right now.”

What did he tell his team?

“I said we’ve got to be able to look each other in the eye, man to man, and give it up for one another this whole second half,” LaFleur said. “I wanna see this team fight.”

He punctuated the last word with a little extra emphasis. He’s clearly not happy with how his team has performed at home.

In both games, they’ve fallen behind 44-3. Last week. they erased a 17-0 deficit to win. This week, it’s going to be a lot harder to do.