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Masks will be required for sideline personnel, but not players or coaches

J.J. watt joins Mike Florio to discuss playing 10 years in the NFL, how there shouldn't be a stigma about players choosing to opt out of the 2020 season and uncertainty that comes with returning to the field.

The NFL will make some personnel wear masks on the sidelines this season, but not players or coaches.

Everyone on the bench during games except players and coaches (which would include team employees like trainers or equipment managers) will have to wear a mask, according to Ian Rapoport of NFL Network.

People with bench access will also have a pre-game temperature check and have to come in below 100.4 degrees in order to get bench access. They’ll also have to confirm they haven’t been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19.

Masks are one of the most effective and simple ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Requiring them makes it less likely that a severe outbreak will cripple an NFL team, and it would probably be wise for players and coaches to wear them as well, even though they’re not required.

Whether the NFL is able to play the season as scheduled in the middle of a pandemic remains to be seen, but the league is beginning to formulate plans to make it happen.