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Marshawn Lynch almost hit two cars before DUI arrest


Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch was observed swerving through traffic and nearly hitting two different vehicles before he was finally pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence before 4 a.m. on Saturday.

The California Highway Patrol says Lynch was driving a Ford Econoline van and had two near collisions with two other vehicles. The arresting officer said Lynch showed “objective signs of intoxication” and failed field sobriety tests. He later submitted to a blood test that showed his blood-alcohol level above the legal limit of .08.

This isn’t the first time Lynch has driven dangerously. In 2008 he hit a pedestrian outside a bar, then drove off.

Lynch is scheduled for a preliminary court appearance on August 14. As a repeat violator of the NFL’s personal-conduct policy, he’s likely facing league discipline as well. Following his last run-in with the law, a 2009 guilty plea to a misdemeanor weapons charge, he was suspended for three games.