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Marcus Cannon channels Marshawn Lynch, sort of


The NFL doesn’t quite know how to handle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch and his desire to not cooperate with the media. For now, the league has opted not to fine Lynch for his meaningless yeah/nope/thanks-for-asking routine, in part because the NFL believes most other players won’t be inclined to follow Lynch’s lead.

Last week, Broncos running back C.J. Anderson tried -- but he apologized the next day. On Sunday, Patriots offensive lineman Macus Cannon tried to do the same thing.

Via Jimmy Toscano of CSN New England, Cannon provided general answers to a pair of questions before shutting it down.

We played football today,” Cannon said initially. “We had a football game today.”

Asked about the offensive line, Cannon said, “We snapped the ball.”

Then, Cannon was done: “I answered two questions, right? I can’t get fined now.”

The league office likely will continue to tread lightly in cases like this. By fining players, the league invites attention, criticism, and further copycat behavior.

Besides, Cannon isn’t exactly the kind of player from whom the media is clamoring to hear. Nothing he could have said Sunday would have generated anything close to the kind of attention he’s getting for saying nothing.

Which, in a weird sort of way, could prompt more second-tier players to say nothing in order to get noticed.