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Lions impose “hefty” price increase for most season tickets in 2024

Supply and demand.

For years, the supply of Lions tickets has outpaced demand. Now, that’s changing. Dramatically. Which allows the Lions to charge more for the privilege to make such purchases.

Via Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press, the team sent out 2024 season-ticket renewals on Monday, with “most seats” getting a “hefty” price increase.

The average increase is 36 percent, via Kyle Meinke of (The team says it’s a 30-percent bump on average.) Some fans claim increases as high as 85 percent.

The Lions have the league’s biggest jump in attendance for 2023, with 65,081 fans on average attending games at the 65,000-seat venue. Every home game has been sold out.

Every home game likely will be sold out next year, too. If the current season-ticket holders don’t want to pay the price, someone else will.