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Lincoln Riley: We’d be crazy not to take advantage of having Pete Carroll around USC

Former Seahawks coach Pete Carroll revealed this week that he’s set to teach a class at USC in the spring.

Carroll, 72, won a pair of BCS National Championships at Southern California before coaching the Seahawks from 2010-2023. And though he said he’s not “desiring” coaching at this point, current USC head coach Lincoln Riley said on Thursday that he’s more than open to having Carroll involved in the football program once again.

I’d love to have him,” Riley said, via Ryan Kartje of the L.A. Times. “He’s great. Coach has been great to me. We’ve had a chance to catch up pretty often, check in with each other. He’s been a great resource and a great person to be able to pick his brain. He’s been very good to me.

“I’m excited he’s going to be here more, and we’d be crazy not to take advantage of having him around. Whether it’s an official role or not, he’s made it very clear that we’ve got a good open line of communication. It’s one that I appreciate and respect very much and will always never hesitate to pick up the phone and call him and reach out to him because, obviously, of how successful he was as a coach. He’s got a great knowledge of this place. I’ve been appreciative of his help and his friendship and will be glad to have him around a lot more.”

Carroll could be a coaching candidate at other spots in the NFL — or college, for that matter — after the season.

USC compiled a 97-19 record with Carroll as head coach from 2001-2009.