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Kyle Shanahan hopes to have Nick Bosa in practice next week

49ers General Manager John Lynch said Thursday that the communication with Nick Bosa’s camp is “ongoing; it’s good; it’s healthy; and we’re working to try to get something done.”

The 49ers hope an extension for the reigning defensive player of the year gets done sooner than later to have Bosa ready for the season opener. Coach Shanahan said he has no deadline date where he would feel uncomfortable playing Bosa, but the 49ers hope to see him practice next week.

I don’t,” Shanahan said on KNBR, via David Bonilla of “I’ve never had to make that decision before, and I won’t make that until I see him. I mean, I’m going to do everything I can [to see] that he plays against Pittsburgh, but I can’t make that decision until you see a guy; you see him out there.

“Hopefully, we get a chance to get him into practice next week, and if he is, that’ll make it a much easier decision for us.”

Bosa has stayed away from the team, working out on his own, while awaiting a new contract.

The 49ers have insisted all along that they have no worries about Bosa showing up out of shape. But being in shape and being ready to play a football game are two very different things.

“I think he’s been in that shape since he was probably 2 1/2 years old, and he continues to work at it,” Shanahan said. “So I know he’ll be in shape. I know he’ll be ready to go. It’s just when he gets here, and making sure he’s in football shape, and we don’t do anything that jeopardizes not having him later.”