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Kubiak confirms that Daniels is done for the year

Adam Schefter of ESPN reported Sunday that Texans tight end Owen Daniels had torn an ACL in his knee.

Though the Texans initially tried to project a hint of optimism, they’ve now confirmed that, indeed, Daniels is done.

“O.D. tore his ACL,” coach Gary Kubiak said Monday in comments distributed by the team. “I visited here with him about an hour ago, before he left. They’re going to let the swelling go down over the course of the next 10-12 days and then schedule surgery, so surgery will probably be in about two weeks.

“Obviously, he’s done for the season and [that’s] a big blow to our football team. I just feel bad for him. Boy, he was having a tremendous season -- a special football season and we’re going to miss him big time. He’ll get well. He’ll be back. He’s a worker. He’ll be back better than ever.”

When he returns he’ll be a restricted free agent, absent an unlikely (at this point) extension to the CBA. And the Texans likely will require Daniels to demonstrate his health before signing the fourth-year tight end to a long-term deal.