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Kevin King comeback attempt derailed by torn Achilles

Mike Florio and Chris Simms map out why Jordan Love’s two-year deal, which reportedly is worth up to $22.5 million, provides all the benefits of the fifth-year option without the price of it.

Former Packers cornerback Kevin King took the 2022 season off because he said he needed a break. He wanted to return in 2023, but a torn Achilles tendon has changed those plans.

King released a video saying he tore his Achilles while working out to get himself into shape to be in an NFL training camp.

That’s usually a season-ending injury, which means the 28-year-old King probably can’t play until 2024.

“I miss it out there for sure,” King said. “I spent the last five years with the Packers before the year I took off. Spending that with the Packers was some of the best times in my life.”

King said his decision to take 2022 off was primarily about the mental stress that NFL injuries had taken on him.

“After my fifth year with the Packers I was actually pretty healthy. It was a time when I felt pretty good for the first time in a while. My first four years I had surgery after every year so I didn’t have much of a chance to have an offseason,” King said. “They don’t really talk about the wear and tear on you mentally that it does, dealing with injuries.”

Now King will attempt to recover from this injury, and get back on the field in 2024.