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Kayvon Thibodeaux: Greatness is optional, I have to take the next step

Kayvon Thibodeaux took a big step forward in his second season.

After recording four sacks during his rookie year, the 2022 first-round pick jumped up to 11.5 sacks during the 2024 campaign. At a press conference last week, Thibodeaux said that his goal is to continue rising to the level that former Giant Michael Strahan reached as a pass rusher with the team because it would be “kind of a disservice to myself to not strive to be better than the standards” set by those who came before him.

“Last year I was able to get 11 and a half sacks,” Thibodeaux said, via a transcript from the team. “Those are the accolades. Now it’s about getting that respect throughout the league, having teams fear coming to play against us. Just taking everything I do to the next level as far as that extra. Greatness is optional. I just got to kind of take that next step.”

Thibodeaux will have Brian Burns playing on the other edge this season and dividing the attention of blockers should help create more opportunities to show how high he can rise in the NFL.