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Judge orders Adrian Peterson to surrender assets in connection with massive debt

Adrian Peterson earned more than $100 million during his 15-year NFL career. He now faces a debt in excess of $12 million. And he has been ordered to turn over his assets to pay it.

Via Brent Schrotenboer of USA Today, a Houston judge has ordered Peterson on Monday to surrender property to satisfy the debt. Constables have been ordered to seize assets from Peterson’s home.

A court-appointed receiver has accused Peterson of playing a “shell game” in order to avoid payment.

The situation traces to a $5.2 million loan from 2016. It became an $8.3 million judgment in 2021, along with $15,000 in attorneys’ fees and a nine-percent interest rate.

As of February 2024, the approximate debt was $12.5 million.

Peterson spent 10 years with the Vikings. He thereafter played for the Saints, Cardinals, Washington, Lions, Titans, and Seahawks.

Peterson last played in 2021.He’s a lock to enter the Hall of Fame on his first eligibility in 2027.