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Josh Allen played Sunday after grandmother’s death on Saturday

Bills quarterback Josh Allen played one of the best games of his career on Sunday and he did it with a heavy heart.

Bills head coach Sean McDermott told reporters after the game that Allen learned his grandmother died on Saturday night.
“I don’t think that came close but it’s always a consideration, right, when you experience things like this,” McDermott told PFT by phone. “That always could happen. I think Josh certainly felt it last night but when I asked him, he said he wanted to play. I really appreciate that he wanted to play and that he stuck it out. You’ve got to be able to compartmentalize that for 24 hours so that you can focus and do your job and I thought he did a great job of that today and players rallied around him.”

When asked if he said anything to Allen about it before Sunday’s game, McDermott said he didn’t and “just wanted it to be normal for him more than anything.”

Allen chose to play and threw for 415 yards and three touchdowns to lead the Bills to a 44-34 win over the Seahawks. The 415 yards matched a career high that Allen set in Week 2 this season and he’s now up to 19 passing touchdowns on the season.