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Josh Allen: “It sucks. Losing sucks. Losing to [the Chiefs], losing to anybody at home sucks.”

Bills quarterback Josh Allen has completed six seasons as a starter. He has never been to a Super Bowl. Three times, his team’s effort to get there ended against the Chiefs.

He was asked after Sunday night’s 27-24 loss to explain the frustration of losing yet again in the playoffs to the Chiefs.

“It sucks,” Allen told reporters. “Losing sucks. Losing to them, losing to anybody at home sucks.”

Does it hurt more to have the season end at home, as it has in each of the last two seasons?

“Here, there, it doesn’t matter,” Allen said. “Losing sucks. I don’t know what else to say.”

He also was asked whether small tweaks or significant changes are needed to get over the hump.

“I don’t think it’s a big change,” Allen said. “I think it’s just, again, we’ve got to find a way to score one more point than they do. And every season, if you don’t win, it’s a failed season. That’s the nature of the business. There’s one happy team at the end of the season, really. And when it’s not you and you’re so close, it sucks.”

Change happens every year, to every team. It’s the nature of the modern NFL. As long as the Bills have Allen, they have a chance. They need to figure out what else they can do to put enough around him to finally get back to the Super Bowl, a place they haven’t been in 30 years.

And while it’s still technically a failed season, the Bills should be proud of how they turned it around after the Monday night loss to the Broncos, which sparked the firing of offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey. At that point, major changes seemed to be inevitable. Now, maybe it will just be a tweak here or a tweak there and another shot next year at climbing to the top of the mountain.