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Josh Allen: I think I can be better at protecting myself when I run

Mike Florio defends his NFL Week 2 power rankings, which saw the Bills break into the top spot, and answers some mailbag questions about his choices.

As Bills quarterback Josh Allen displayed in last week’s season opener, running the football is a key part of what makes him special.

But when Allen runs as he did in the victory, he also subjects himself to some significant hits. And that can take a toll, particularly on a quarterback.

That’s something Allen is aware of. And he admitted he has room for improvement when it comes to protecting himself as he runs.

“I think I can be better in that aspect,” Allen said in his Wednesday press conference. “But given the circumstances of what it was, understanding the flow of the game — I do things sometimes that are necessary in my eyes to help our team win a football game. That’s all it is. But at the end of the day, availability is the best ability. So, just understanding that and getting down and not taking too many hits — that’s year-in and year-out.”

Allen finished the Week One contest 26-of-31 for 297 yards with three touchdowns and two interceptions. He also rushed 10 times for 56 yards with a TD.

“At the end of the day, I’m just trying to be the best quarterback I can be for the Bills, best teammate I can be for the other 52 guys in this locker room,” Allen said. “So whatever that may be — handing the ball off 100 times, throwing 100 times, just trying to help this team win football games.”

But Allen is aware that there needs to be a balance between making one play and being available to make the next 10. We’ll see what Allen’s approach is on Monday night when the team hosts the Titans.