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Jordan Rodgers applauds Russell Wilson for taking high road

Just as the ultimate reality show was becoming a little less real, it’s getting a little more real between Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and his brother, Jordan.

Jordan has taken to Twitter to applaud Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson for taking the high road in response to Aaron’s “God was a Packers fan tonight” crack at Wilson.

Via Ryan Glasspiegel of, Jordan Rodgers posted a pair of tweets regarding Wilson’s muted response to Aaron’s remarks, saying "[m]y parents taught this as well, way to take the high road.”

Some thought this was a slap at Wilson, because there’s no way Jordan Rodgers would be publicly siding with Wilson in a dispute with Jordan’s brother. Right?

In response to speculation that Jordan Rodgers, who played quarterback at Vanderbilt before bouncing around the NFL for a couple of years, was calling out Wilson, Jordan Rodgers made it clear that he was indeed giving credit to Wilson for being humble in victory and in defeat.

That probably won’t go over well with Aaron, who is sensitive to the point of being sensitive about being perceived as being sensitive.