Coaches don’t often complain that their players are working too hard, but Cardinals head coach Jonathan Gannon says that’s the biggest concern about first-round receiver Marvin Harrison Jr.
“He does a lot extra, probably too much, I’m going to be fighting him about that,” Gannon said.
Gannon explained that in addition to the carefully planned offseason schedule that the Cardinals have for their players, Harrison will come in early, stay late, and work on his own on the players’ days off. Gannon wants to make sure Harrison isn’t overdoing it to the point that he’s worn out from offseason work and not at 100 percent when the regular season starts.
“If we’re spaced out how many reps and the amount of workload he gets, and then he goes and runs 100 routes on the weekend, he might be dragging today. Now, he doesn’t drag, but I’m just talking about, I love extra work, but you’ve got to be smart about it. You’ve got to have a routine about what you’re doing,” Gannon said.
It’s a good problem to have, that the top rookie is working so hard his head coach wants him to tone it down.