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Join us Wednesday at 5 CT for live picks podcast in New Orleans

Starting Monday and lasting all week, we’ll be broadcasting PFT Live from New Orleans. In addition to five days of shows — with over 30 guests scheduled and counting — we’ll be doing another live picks podcast from the Super Bowl city.

On Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. CT, the joint Chris Simms Unbuttoned/#PFTPM picks podcast will happen at Pat O’Briens.

It’s free. No tickets. No reservations. Just show up and get ready for a 50-minute-or-so celebration of the Super Bowl with a deep dive into the Chiefs’ quest to become the first team to win three in a row, and the Eagles’ effort to keep that from happening.

So if you’re in town on Wednesday, swing by. If you bring one of my books, I’ll sign it. If you have a copy of Playmakers at home, I’ll have some signed bookplates that you can stick inside the front cover.

We can’t wait. Whether you think of us as Dick Hammer and Turd Ferguson or Sasquatch and Teen Wolf or something far less flattering, it’ll be Simms and me yakking about football while trying (key word: trying) to entertain, inform, and amuse you.