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John Metchie says he feels better than ever after beating cancer

Texans wide receiver John Metchie missed his entire rookie season while battling cancer last year, but he’s back on the field at training camp and feeling great.

“This entire year has been eventful, for sure. It’s had its ups and downs. But being back on the field feels great. It’s been a long way coming but it definitely feels like a blessing and I feel grateful every day,” Metchie said.

Asked if he’s 100 percent healthy, Metchie said he actually feels better than he ever had before.

“I feel 110 percent, actually,” Metchie said on Thursday. “I feel better now than I ever did in college, and I feel better than I was before I got diagnosed. So I feel 110 percent.”

Metchie said the struggles he has been through have filled him with gratitude.

“We kind of take for granted life and everything we have to do and everything we get to do every day,” Metchie said. “But then when it’s taken away from you, whether you’re young or old in a hospital, people see clearly what’s important to them and who’s important to them.”