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John Harbaugh: We weren’t good enough today, but I told Ravens to hold their heads high

Ravens coach John Harbaugh said after losing to the Chiefs in the AFC Championship Game that he still believes his team has plenty to be proud about.

“I told them to walk out of here with their heads held high, and their chests out,” Harbaugh said on CBS after the game. “You never know what lessons you’re going to learn from whatever experiences you have.”

Harbaugh acknowledged that anything less than the Super Bowl is a disappointment for a team that was as good as his in the regular season, but he remains proud of what they did accomplish.

“I love these guys, everything they gave,” Harbaugh said. “Today we weren’t good enough. We didn’t win the game. Congratulations to the Chiefs, they won the game, but that doesn’t take one thing away from what they’ve done.”

Now Harbaugh will get to work on getting his Ravens ready for a 2024 season that he hopes can be just as strong in the regular season — but with a better ending.