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Jim Harbaugh has spoken with Colin Kaepernick about a coaching job

Colin Kaepernick hasn’t given up hopes of playing in the NFL again, but one of his former coaches says there’s another path back to the league open to the quarterback.

Jim Harbaugh coached Kaepernick with the 49ers and they went to a Super Bowl together, which helped lead him to advocate for Kaepernick getting another shot to run an offense in 2017. That has not happened and Harbaugh told Jarrett Bell of USA Today that he has spoken to Kaepernick about a coaching position.

“If that was ever the path he was to take, I think that would be tremendous,” Harbaugh said. “He’d be a tremendous coach, if that’s the path he chose. . . . Yeah, we talked a little bit about it. He’s considering it. He was out of the country. He said he was going to get back to me. We haven’t reconnected since then. That was early, early in the year.”

Kaepernick said he’s “still training, still pushing” for a shot to play quarterback again, which indicates that playing remains his focus on the football front. If that changes, Kaepernick and Harbaugh may be working together in a different capacity with the Chargers.