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Jeyod Mayo: Best move for kickoff might be to concede the 30

I recently predicted that, by the trade deadline, half of the NFL’s head coaches will decide that the best way to handle the reconfigured kickoff formation will be to kick the ball out of the end zone and allow the next drive to start at the 30.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Patriots coach Jerod Mayo said that starting at the 30 could be the right move.

“I don’t think anyone actually knows how this thing is going to play out,” Mayo told reporters. “The rules are still kind of fluid even as of today. We watch it as a full staff, just because it’s one of those plays where, we talk about collaboration all the time, we’re trying to get opinions of the offensive coaches, the defensive coaches, and special teams coaches. And also, you know, just calling around the league to see how they think about it. But once again, I don’t think anyone really knows how it’s going to play out. It might just be beneficial to take the ball at the 30. I don’t know.”

Mayo would fall squarely in the category of coach who might be inclined to play it safe and trust his defense. Instead of running the risk of a long return, give up five more yards than last year and play defense. He’s a defensive guy. He’ll trust his defense.

Too much rides on the outcomes of games. It makes no sense to tie job security to special-teams Russian Roulette. Plenty of coaches will come to that conclusion.

It could have been avoided. As initially envisioned, a touchback would have brought the ball to the 35. It was changed to the 30 the weekend before the league meetings. If the goal is to truly revive a dead play, they might have to move it to the 35.