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Jerry Jones: “Those coaches are out there at my ultimate decision”

Chris Simms and Mike Florio explain why it was such a bad decision for the Cowboys to kick a late FG against the Patriots, rather than going for it.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones wants head coach Jason Garrett and his staff to understand that they’ll be out of work if Jones isn’t satisfied with their job performance.

Asked today on 105.3 The Fan how he feels about the coaching staff, whom he criticized after Sunday’s loss to the Patriots, Jones answered, “The same way that I felt then.”

Jones made clear that he will make the final decisions about the Cowboys’ coaching staff, and right now he doesn’t sound satisfied, suggesting that the Cowboys were out-coached by Bill Belichick and his staff.

“When you’re General Manager, which I am, those coaches are out there at my ultimate decision,” Jones said. “It’s very much within my realm of purview, if you will, to not only be standing there as an owner but be standing there as the General Manager who put the staff there to begin with. People seem to think it’s particularly harsh to have criticism and they think when you look at the other side of the field and call a job well done, that might mean that’s extraordinary criticism of the job you’ve done on the other side of the field.”

Jones said he’s beyond disappointed that the Cowboys lost on Sunday.

“Disappointed is not the word. There’s no question that we were given an opportunity, there were things we could have taken advantage of,” Jones said.

With five games remaining, Garrett is running out of time to impress his boss.