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Jaylon Johnson: I’m tired of the Bears having potential, I want us to get results

As he heads into his fifth season in Chicago, cornerback Jaylon Johnson doesn’t want to hear that this Bears team has the potential to win. He just wants to win.

Johnson said the Bears, who haven’t had a winning record since 2018, have had talent since he’s been there but haven’t put it all together, and it’s time to stop talking about what they’re capable of doing and to start doing it.

“I feel like I’ve been on some talented rosters to where we’ve had a lot of upside,” Johnson said, via Courtney Cronin of ESPN. “I feel like for me it’s one of those things where I’m tired of just having upside and having potential. I want to be in a position where we actually go out there and we are that and not just what we’re projected to be at.”

Johnson knows there’s a renewed energy among Bears fans who think this might finally be the year, but it’s on the players to deliver.

“It’s about action at this point, so the projections, the energy, the enthusiasm all feels good in the beginning because everybody, every team, every fan [says], ‘Oh this is our year, this is our year,’ so I’m not on that type of time as far as, ‘Oh yeah, this is our year,’” Johnson said. “Nah, we got to go out here and we got to prove it and I think that starts with Day 1, starts with today. But that’s something that’s going to carry on from now until the end of the season whenever that is, if that’s playoffs or not.”

For a team with the Bears’ potential, anything short of the playoffs will be a disappointment. And likely trigger some big changes after the season.