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Jason Licht: Issues with Graham Barton’s snaps “nothing that can’t be fixed”

Graham Barton played left tackle for his final seasons at Duke, but he saw time at center during his freshman year and the ability to play multiple spots helped convince the Buccaneers to make him a first-round pick in April.

Barton was installed as the team’s starting center after joining the team and there have been some errant snaps during practice sessions this summer. That’s not a shock given how long it has been since Barton regularly played the position and General Manager Jason Licht sounds unconcerned about Barton’s snaps being an issue come the regular season.

During an appearance on The Ira Kaufman Podcast, Licht said Barton has been what “we were hoping for right now” and expressed confidence that all will be well once the Bucs face the Commanders on September 8.

“He’s had a handful that he’d probably like to have back, but not that many,” Licht said. “Nothing that can’t be fixed. He’s very good at it. . . . By Week One, I promise you he’s going to be in a different place,” Licht said, via

Barton will be playing in the team’s preseason opener against the Bengals on Saturday and a clean night would help quell any fears that his transition back to center isn’t progressing well enough.