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Jalen Hurts on commitment: “When I say ‘we,’ I mean ‘me’”

Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts raised some eyebrows with post-game comments regarding the team’s commitment level. At the outset of a Thursday press conference, he was asked to explain the message he was trying to deliver.

“My mind was in a place of really just trying to challenge myself,” Hurts said. “When you think holistically about the things you want to accomplish and everything that we’re trying to do, that all runs through me. That all starts with me. And so when I say ‘we,’ I mean me, because I’m the point guard out there. I’m the one that makes everything go. And I’m the guy that everyone trust to set the pace for everything. That’s in how I play. That’s in my leadership. That’s in every aspect of the game, and it comes with the shoes that I walk in. . . .

“You challenge yourself and you challenge the people around you. But I think it’s just a situation where we are. It’s just something we’re going through, not something we’re stuck in.”

The Eagles are currently stuck in a three-game losing streak. Fortunately for them, the schedule softens considerably over the next three weeks, with games against the Giants, Cardinals, and Giants.

The real question is whether the Eagles will find a way to step up when the playoffs roll around. Can they beat the Cowboys? Can they win in San Francisco?

We’ll see. For now, they need to re-establish themselves — and hold off the Cowboys for the NFC East crown.