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Jalen Carter tried to intercept a spike after seeing a high school kid do it on YouTube

Eagles defensive tackle Jalen Carter nearly made what would have been one of the most incredible interceptions in NFL history on Monday night, inspired by a high schooler.

When Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes was hurrying the Chiefs into field goal range at the end of the first half, he spiked the ball with three seconds left. But Carter almost intercepted the pass, diving to the ground at Mahomes’ feet when the ball was snapped and almost getting his hands under the football. It would have been an amazing interception, and Carter nearly pulled it off.

I saw it on the internet, I’ve seen it on YouTube, some high school kid tried and he actually caught the ball. I thought, ‘That’s a good idea,’ I knew they would spike it so I tried to go for it,” Carter explained to Eliot Shorr-Parks of WIP after the game.

It has actually happened more than once in high school games (videos here and here), but never in the NFL. Carter nearly became the first, and now that others have seen it, he surely won’t be the last defensive tackle to try it.