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J.J. McCarthy’s rookie season could be over before it even began

Vikings quarterback J.J. McCarthy made his preseason debut on Saturday. It might be the last we see of him until next preseason.

His torn meniscus will either be trimmed or repaired. The former points to a quick return. The latter would likely knock him out until 2025.

The problem with a quick fix is that he’ll have less meniscus for the rest of his life. Which could be a problem, sooner or later, in his career as a pro athlete. The repair should, in theory, make him as good as new.

While it’s unfortunate both for player and team, it’s not nearly the same as the late August knee injury suffered by quarterback Teddy Bridgewater, eight years ago. There’s no reason to think McCarthy shouldn’t be as good as new by next season, if the meniscus is repaired and not trimmed.