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It’s way too early for marginal teams to be regarded as buyers at trade deadline

Only two weeks into the season, folks are trying to connect dots on potential deals at the trade deadline.

For plenty of marginal teams, it’s way too early to be thinking about going all in.

Already this morning, while perusing the various news and nuggets from the NFL, I’ve seen items regarding the Commanders possibly trading for a receiver or the Patriots exploring upgrades at multiple positions.

Those potential moves only make sense is the teams involved are truly contenders when the trade deadline arrives, in six weeks and three days.

This year, the window closes on the Tuesday after Week 9. That’s the latest it’s ever been. By then, teams will have a good idea as to whether they have a chance to compete for a playoff berth, as a practical matter.

The Commanders could. The Patriots, not so much. Regardless, both teams need to win a few games before they can reasonably think about adding veteran talent for the stretch run.

There’s potentially a benefit to getting the word out about possible trades. It sends a message to the locker room that the front office believes — and that if the team plays well enough, the roster could get a boost.

Of course, the other side of that coin comes from the reality that, if/when a trade is made, one of the players who has been doing his fair share to position the team to contend will be asked to take a seat for the newcomer.

Regardless, it’s too early know who will be buying — and who will be selling — at the deadline.

Except for the Panthers, of course. They should be willing to listen to offers for anyone and everyone.