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It’s too early to know whether Marshawn Lynch will play in 2015


When it comes to talking publicly, Marshawn Lynch and Brett Favre occupy separate ends of the spectrum. When it comes to having an annual late-career case of will-I-or-won’t-I play, Lynch and Favre may end up being identical.

It’s become a given that, if Lynch continues his career in 2015, he’ll make considerably more than the $7 million he’s due to earn from Seattle. It’s far from a given that Lynch will continue his career in 2015.

On Thursday, I posed a simple question to a source with direct knowledge of Lynch’s mindset: What is the percentage chance he plays next season?

“Not sure yet” was the response.

For some, it’s unfathomable that Lynch would turn his back on one more major payday. Where else could he make the kind of money he makes playing football?

It’s possible that Lynch has opted to be coy because he knows that the Seahawks need him, more than ever. As coach Pete Carroll desperately tries to get any players who disagreed with the failed play call at the end of the Super Bowl and as the front office tries to craft a contract that will make quarterback Russell Wilson happy without alienating the rest of the locker room, Lynch’s return for one more season becomes a necessity.

With Lynch still under contract for another year, his only leverage becomes not playing. And if the Seahawks genuinely fear he won’t play, maybe he’ll get even more money to return.

Or maybe the unpredictable tailback will decide he’s had enough. If so, the last images of Lynch in a football uniform will consist of his incredulous walk to the sideline after the coaching staff opted not to trust him with a second straight Super Bowl win.