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We didn’t plan to comment on the news that Brandon Marshall has gotten engaged at the Pro Bowl because there was nothing juicy about it. He didn’t, for example, slip on a McDonald’s bag while getting down on one knee. And he didn’t get liquored up later that night and (allegedly) rough up his betrothed. But we’ve decided to slap together a blurb on this one because there’s evidence that maybe, just maybe, Marshall is maturing. “What really solidified it for me was coming out here and seeing guys, bachelors at the pool with their girlfriends, and then looking at guys like Peyton Manning and Troy Polamalu and Casey Wiegmann with their families,” Marshall told the Denver Post. “And looking at them, I said those are the guys I want to be. You could see their peace. That’s what so important for me is to have peace. And this is the ultimate step to achieve that.” So we wish Marshall and his future wife, Michi Nogami, well. And we hope that he becomes the kind of guy to whom we and others can point when the next knucklehead receiver is on the verge of screwing up his career.