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Here’s how to get a signed, personalized (but not free) copy of Son of Mine

We’ll be doing periodic giveaways of free, signed, personalized copies of Son Mine. But since there’s only one or so to give away every week or two and literally (#literally) hundreds who submit emails for the free giveaway, many (#many) are asking for the opportunity to buy a signed, personalized copy of their own.

Last time around, I ordered a bunch of copies of Father of Mine and sent them to an outside company that specializes in selling signed books. This time around, I’ve decided to cut out the entity in the middle.

Here’s what I’ll do. For $30 plus $5 shipping and $2.45 for sales tax (if I’m ever going to prison, it ain’t gonna be for failing to collect and pay sales tax on books), you can get a signed copy sent to your preferred address.

All payments must be made through PayPal. No checks. No money orders. No cash. No coins.

Also, United States only. (I forgot to mention that earlier.)

Send $37.45 to the @PFTPublishing account on PayPal and then send an email to with your address, the PayPal transaction receipt, and your preferred inscription (I’ll make the final decision on what I write in the book). I’ll match up the emails to the PayPal transactions and get the books ordered and signed and sent.

I can’t guarantee a particular time for delivery. (Things are a little busy right now.) Generally speaking, 4-6 weeks sounds right — probably because all the dumb shit I ordered from ads in the back of comic books always said “allow 4-6 weeks for delivery” (and it always felt like it took forever).

That said, I have a bad feeling about this. I considered using a very high price point in order to minimize the numbers of purchases (it’s now informally known as the Sunday Ticket model). Instead, the price is in line with what it would cost if you bought it through a third-party that specializes in selling signed books.

Still, I’d prefer not to spend any free time I have over the next couple of months signing books and stuffing envelopes and going to the post office to send each one out. So, please, only order it if it’s something you must have.

And maybe just get the ebook for only $4.99 or the unsigned print edition for only $14.99.