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Giants, Titans reportedly have been in contact with UFL KR Juwan Manigo

The NFL’s new kickoff formation, borrowed from the XFL, has led at least two franchises to look for a return specialist in the UFL. reports, that the Giants and the Titans have been in contact with Juwan “Sonic” Manigo of the Arlington Renegades.

Arlington signed Manigo last June, while the XFL still existed. He survived the merger and thrived as a kickoff return specialist, finishing second in the league with 954 return yards on 43 attempts. The average per return of 22.18 yards came not from the traditional kickoff formation that the UFL absorbed from the USFL.

Manigo, 26, played college football at Delaware Valley University. He spent two seasons with the LFA league in Mexico.

If the Giants or Titans sign the five-foot, seven-inch Manigo, it will undoubtedly be for his return skills. As an offensive player, he had only 32 receiving yards and -5 rushing yards in 10 games.