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Fridays with Florio Jr., Week Two


The first full vacation week for PFT Live consisted of five editions of #PFTPM, including visits with Amy Trask and Peter King. The week ended with the second straight appearance by Michael Alexander Florio a/k/a Florio Jr., even though he’s not really a Jr. because my middle name is James.

We talked for roughly an hour, about football and whatever else came up, as prompted by the excellent questions from the PFTPM Posse.

There were discussions about music and The Office and fireworks safety and my annual PSA regarding the importance of getting a physical, since I had mine this morning in Pittsburgh. (And all that that implies.)

Soak it in. Enjoy it. And protect your fingers on the Fourth of July. Unlike a gecko’s tail, they don’t grow back. (And you’d also have to worry about Schefty posting your medical records on Twitter.)