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Foundation to Combat Antisemitism’s Super Bowl ad will feature Dr. Clarence B. Jones

Robert Kraft’s Foundation to Combat Antisemitism has purchased a thirty-second commercial during the Super Bowl. The FCAS has announced that the Super Bowl commercial will feature Dr. Clarence B. Jones.

More than 60 years ago, Dr. Jones assisted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the drafting of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

The group has released a video of Kraft, the owner of the Patriots, informing Dr. Jones that his commercial will be used during the Super Bowl.

The FCAS has a simple mission. To encourage Americans to stand up to all forms of hate, based on religion, race, gender, background, or anything else that makes us inherently and intrinsically different from each other.

Hatred in all forms is on the rise. It’s jarring to see it, in this day and age.

Hate takes effort. Hate takes work. If you’re not inclined to engage in affirmative gestures of love and kindness, why not just opt for apathy? It takes no time, it takes no effort. And it does nothing to get in the way of people who are trying to come together to make our nation and our world a better place.

Kraft is spending the time and money to do it. Hopefully, the commercial that runs on Sunday will inspire others to first abandon hate for apathy, and then to ditch apathy for love.