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Father of Mine free ebook promotion is continued for one, and only one, day

There’s no stuff like free stuff.

After making the Father of Mine ebook free for the recently-completed weekend, I decided to extend it for one more day. And one more day only.

Today, get the Father of Mine ebook for the grand total of zero dollars and zero cents. (And if you don’t like it, you will definitely get your money back.)

Why one more day? First, plenty of you don’t visit PFT when you’re on your personal time. Work time is when our traffic is higher. Second, today is the 30-year anniversary of the day Mrs. PFT reluctantly said “I do.” Far more amazing is that, in the three decades since then, she hasn’t said, “I don’t.” (Yet.)

And she has promised to use all proceeds from today’s sales to buy my gift. So go get it. For not a penny.

While you’re at it, maybe you’ll pre-order the sequel, Son of Mine, which will be released on September 3. Or maybe you’ll read Father of Mine this week and definitely want to find out how the story continues in Son of Mine.

And maybe, after reading Son of Mine, you’ll want to find out how the story continues. And there’s a good chance I’ll continue the story.