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Falcons, Seahawks game briefly put on hold because of drone flying near stadium

Chris Simms doesn't trust the Seattle Seahawks offense enough to pick them over the Atlanta Falcons in Week 3, while Florio doesn't believe in Marcus Mariota to pull off the victory on the road.

Officials ordered the Seahawks and Falcons to clear the field during the fourth quarter of Sunday’s game at Lumen Field in Seattle and it appears that a drone flying near the stadium is the cause for the delay.

According to the Fox broadcast, an unlicensed drone has been seen in the airspace around the stadium and league guidelines call for games to be stopped until such aircraft are outside of the protected zone. It is unclear how long that might take.

The same thing happened during Saturday’s game between Stanford and the University of Washington, which was also played in Seattle but not at Lumen Field.

The Falcons lead the Seahawks 27-23 with 6:42 left to play.

UPDATE 7:11 p.m. ET: The game has resumed in Seattle.