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ESPN adds Russell Yurk as rules analyst

When a network hires a rules analyst, it’s typically someone whose name plenty of fans know.

As to ESPN, the replacement for John Parry will prompt many to dial up a Conor McGregor gif.

Via, Russell Yurk will serve as the rules analyst for Monday Night Football.

Unlike the usual rules analysts, who are hired away from current employment with the league, Yurk is a former NFL replay executive. He took a leave of absence in 2021, apparently because (many believed) he refused to get a COVID vaccination.

Yurk then surfaced as the Big Ten’s centralized replay supervisor in 2023.

The fact that many will have never heard of Yurk will have no relevance to his performance. But it raises the stakes. He’ll need to show quickly that he’s good at spotting the issues and explaining them to a broad audience in real time. If not, ESPN will inevitably be looking for someone else to do the job in 2025.