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Elon Musk opposes RFK Stadium Jr. bill

Efforts to build a new Commanders stadium in the nation’s capital has become a political football.

An effort to keep the federal government open includes a provision that gives D.C. the ability to negotiate a deal for a new venue at the site of RFK Stadium. Elon Musk, on the social-media cesspool he owns and operates, opposed the arrangement on Wednesday.

This should not be funded by your tax dollars!” Musk exclaimed.

Multiple reporters have pointed out that the bill does not provide funding for the stadium.

That said, how many stadiums are fully funded by the team? At some point, owner Josh Harris will be looking for a public investment, wherever the stadium is built. So even if the current bill doesn’t kick federal dollars toward the effort, a future one likely will.

It’s the way the game is played. Multibillionaires get public money for stadiums they can afford to pay for themselves. Sooner or later, someone is going to draw the line and insist that the members of Club Oligarch quit looking for handouts they don’t need.

So even if Musk is factually wrong for now, his proclamation is simply premature. Eventually, inevitably, the Commanders will want taxpayer money to help pay for a RFK Stadium Jr.