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Eastern Michigan names its football field after Maxx Crosby

Raiders defensive end Maxx Crosby is getting a rare honor for an active player: The football field at his alma mater will bear his name.

Eastern Michigan announced that Crosby has donated $1 million to the athletic department, and that the football field at Eastern Michigan’s Rynearson Stadium will bear Crosby’s name.

“It’s the ultimate honor,” Crosby said in a video released by the school. “I always talk about legacy. That’s something that’s the most important thing to me. money, all the things that come with playing int he NFL are great, but I want to leave a legacy, not only for myself but my family, my daughter, my wife, who also went to Eastern Michigan. For me, I want to give something back, so this is the beginning of something I feel like is going to be even bigger. Eastern Michigan was the start of all of it for me. The only school that offered me, and having my name on that field is something that I’ll never forget.”

Crosby is back in Michigan for tonight’s game against the Raiders, and he made the stop on campus to make his donation official.